11 Jul 2017

2017 CF Web Challenge

The NEW 2017 Web Challenge


Canopy Formation Competitors – This is for you


This International Competition is open to all Canopy Formation competitors/teams who wish to enter 

2-Way Sequential : 4-Way Sequential : 4-Way Rotation : 8-Way Speed


Imagine, a competition with no negatives – here it is:

  • No need to travel away from you home Drop Zone
  • No entry fees
  • No time pressure – 3 months to make 3 competition jumps
  • No 'one off' jump – make as many as you wish and submit the best

The 2017 CF Web Challenge is an International Competition in the above Canopy Formation disciplines.

The Rules are available on this web site : Link here - 2 & 4 Way Sequential and 4 Way Rotations  and 8-Way

The competition is run over three months from 15 July 2017 – 10 October 2017.

Practice in your own time on your own drop zone and submit the best video of each round to the Judges for evaluation.

Nothing could be simpler – what is stopping you?

If something is, then let us know – our dream is to have as many competitors as there are in the world taking part in this simple yet challenging competition.