FAI Medico-physiological Commission (CIMP)

17 Jun 2020

FAI recommendations for air sports operations during COVID-19 pandemic

The FAI has issued technical and practical recommendations concerning the return to normal operations in air sports during the COVID-19 pandemic. All people involved in air sports activities are urged to take responsibility and to follow the recommendations.

The recommendations are compiled in a document prepared by the FAI Medico-physiological Commission (CIMP) to lower the chance of becoming ill from COVID-19 and to prevent the spread of the virus while practicing flying activities or attending air sports meetings.

It provides a COVID-19 risk assessment and mitigation checklist for use by host countries and mass gathering organisers. It also includes an operational tool which offers guidance for organisers holding meetings during the COVID-19 outbreak and which should be accompanied by the WHO COVID-19 Generic Risk Assessment Excel file. It should be read in conjunction with WHO’s key planning recommendations for Mass Gatherings in the context of the current COVID-19 outbreak.

General recommendations are given to everyone practicing flying activities, and in particular at an airfield. Specific ones are provided for the different air sports. For example, for ballooning, a list of recommendations describes which behaviours and precautions to adopt during the preparations, at launch point, as well as during and after the flight, for the pilot and passengers.

This document also provides useful links to WHO and other organisations such as the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

It also stresses that national regulations prevail at all times over FAI recommendations, which are meant to complement existing efforts and to support those countries where no specific air sports documents are in place. In other words, national rules are always the primary guidelines. Therefore, FAI strongly recommends to also stay informed about the latest national instructions.