FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)
Category 2 Competitions
Only competitions defined as International Sporting Events or Open National Championships (FAI General Section Chapters 4 & 5) and meeting the requirements below may be sanctioned as CIVL recognised 2nd category events.
- Applications are made online via AMS.
- Take care to create any public webpage for your event. You will need to place there your event's Local regulations and submit a link to them in AMS. NB! you can use https://civlcomps.org/ to host your category 2 event free of charge. If you use it just transfer data from CIVLCOMPS to AMS. You can find other guidelines on how to use civlcomps.org by this link.
- In order to be recognised as a Category 2 event, a minimum of 25% of the maximum available places must be set aside for pilots from nations other than that of the organiser e.g. if the maximum number is 100, 25 of these places will be set aside for international competitors. The registration deadline for foreign pilots shall be no sooner than 15 days before the start of the competition, after that date unused places can be filled at the discretion of the organiser.
- Only events which have the approval of the NAC of the organiser may be sanctioned as Category 2. If the event is to be held in the territory of another NAC then the organiser must also obtain authorization from that NAC. The NAC may approve your application online via AMS. Alternatively, the proof of this authorization must be submitted to FAI/CIVL in the written form (a letter, or application with NAC responsible person's signature and stamp). You can upload the authorization letters in your application on AMS. (check sample docs in the bottom of this page).
- The rules for Second Category events shall be based as far as appropriate on those for First Category events and shall not conflict with them in principle.
For full information on the Rules and requirements for Category 2 sanctioned events, please read the instruction on the Sanctioning procedure and also Section 7 Common, Chapter 12 of the Sporting Code as well as discipline-specific sections.
Useful notes:
For any event:
Take care to arrange a webpage where you will announce your event and local regulations. CIVL offers you a free event management system https://civlcomps.org or you can use a third-party website or service. Important is to provide the public with free access to your local regulations and daily results.
If you use https://civlcomps.org for the registration all CIVL IDs of your pilots will be correct. You do not need to verify them. If you use any other website you will have to go to https://civlcomps.org/rankings and double-check carefully all participants' CIVL IDs.
Remember to ask all pilots that do not have CIVL IDs to go to https://civlcomps.org/, get registered there, and inform you of their CIVL IDs.
The earlier you apply for cat 2 status the earlier you can fill in your registration slots.
In order to be recognised as a Category 2 event a minimum of 25% of the maximum available places must be set aside for pilots from nations other than that of the Competition
Organiser e.g. if the maximum number is 100, 25 of these places will be set aside for international competitors. The registration deadline for foreign pilots shall be no sooner than
- 15 days for events sanctioned between 30 and 60 days before the start of the competition.
- 30 days for events sanctioned between 61 and 90 days before the start of the competition.
- 45 days for events sanctioned between 91 and 120 days before the start of the competition.
- 60 days for events sanctioned 121 days or more before the start of the competition.
After that date, unused places can be filled at the discretion of the Competition Organiser.
For PG Accuracy
Take care to hire CIVL-qualified Judges. There are special requirements for the number of judges and their qualifications for Category 2 competitions in Section 7 C. Please read them and abide by.
Take care to provide during the competitions an Automatic Measuring Device (AMD) with dead centre (DC), not more than 2 cm.
Take care to register all your judges as Staff in your event on civlcomps.org. Then their professional experience will be recorded in the CIVL database and it will help them build their sports career.
For PG Aerobatics
Take care to hire CIVL qualified Judges. Prior to taking any final decision on the dates of the competition, and in order to assure the availability of officials and judges, the organiser shall contact the aerobatic committee chairman at civl-aerobatics@flyandsmile.ch. In case of no reply within 3 days, forward the request to the competition coordinator at civl_comps@fai.org
to get FAI 2 status the organiser must:
- At least 40 days before the event register on https://ams.fai.org/ and submit the application. (if your NAC is slow to respond begin the application process at least 6 months in advance)
- Place a link to your local regulations file or webpage. CIVL official event management system is https://civlcomps.org/. It is free for organizers. You can always transfer your event from CIVLcomps to AMS.
- The sanction fee will be calculated automatically once you fill in the application form. This sanction fee is the equivalent of 2 pilot's entry fees, with a minimum of 70 CHF. (i.e. If your Entry fee is 100 CHF you will need to pay 200 CHF sanction fee). NB! The fees are calculated in CHF. Please convert your entry fee into CHF to get the correct calculation.
- Create an Invoice in the application and pay it by PayPal inside AMS or by bank transfer using the payment details below. Please upload the payment confirmation doc to the application. Or send it by email to civl_comps@fai.org
- Your application should be first approved by your NAC and then by CIVL. If you apply for a first time place check with CIVL Competition coordinator civl_comps@fai.org that your country NAC is connected and given permission to approve your application online in AMS. If not, download the application form at the top of this page, fill it in sign in your NAC and upload it to your application in AMS (or send by email to civl_comps@fai.org)
- After you submit the application and make the payment, and NAC has approved, CIVL Competition coordinator will check your application for commitment to the Sporting code requirements. You will be contacted in case of problems.
- Once approved by the CIVL Competition coordinator you will get an automatic notification when your event will be published on FAI calendar. Please note there is a complicated Cron procedure running at the background, so the event appears on the website about 6-10 hours after you get the notification. It also takes some time for financial control and approval between the approval of CIVL and publication to the calendar. CIVL is aware of this delay and works hard to minimize this period.
This will enable the event to appear on the FAI calendar and be sanctioned as a Category 2 event.
If an event is cancelled and all pilots are given the opportunity of a full refund, it can be rescheduled (no extra sanction fee) provided that the minimum 30 days notice is given. The time period is measured from the start date of the re-scheduled competition. In case of cancellation and prior notice, the sanction fee can be refunded. "Prior notice" means that the organizer shall request the refund for the cancelled event before the planned 1st day of the event.
Alternative Dates:
An organizer may specify several sets of dates, the Alternative or Reserve Dates for the competition. These may be used if the organiser postpones the competition prior to the event taking place, or if it is not possible to start any tasks during the event (i.e. no pilots launched under competition conditions). The 'reserve dates' will be displayed on the FAI event calendar in addition to the primary Competition Dates. This is subject to the following conditions:
- The organiser notifies the CIVL Competitions Coordinator as soon as the competition is postponed, and at the latest within 48hrs of the end date of the competition (this is so the FAI calendar is updated to show that the Reserve Dates are now the actual Competition Dates).
- Any pilot who is unable to attend the reserve dates is entitled to a full refund of any entry fee paid.
Category 2 events will gain WPRS points for pilots competing in accordance with current WPRS rules.
There are currently 8 rankings: HG Class 1, HG Class 1 Sport Class, HG Class 2, HG Class 5, HG Aerobatics, PG XC, PG Accuracy, PG Aerobatics. For further information on the WPRS and formulas, go to https://civlcomps.org/rankings
1. The minimum number of competitors required to validate a Second Category event is:
- Paragliding and Hang Gliding XC: 2.
- Paragliding Accuracy: 8
- Paragliding Aerobatics: 2
2. The maximum number of pilots in any sanctioned competition must not exceed 150.
3. Tasks/Rounds/Runs:
- Paragliding and Hang gliding XC: 1 scored task
- Paragliding Accuracy: 1 scored round
- Paragliding Aerobatics: 1 scored runs
A complete set of results in an approved format must be uploaded on civlcomps.org and sent to the approval of CIVL Competition Co-ordinator within 7 days of the end of the competition for updating the appropriate Pilot Ranking Scheme. Please confirm the number of valid tasks/rounds flown.
CIVL does not issue CIVL IDs at results submission, it is the duty of the participant to provide his correct CIVL ID for the ranking. When you provide results pilots with wrong or absent CIVL IDs, will be excluded from the ranking. It will affect the overall ranking points that your comps will provide as they depend also on the number of participants ranked.
A preferred format for HG and PG XC competitions is FSDB file. If the organizer does not use FS as their scoring system, then the results need to be submitted using the Excel template (download it in your event page Task and Results on civlcomps.org).
For PG Accuracy & Aerobatics, an Excel file following our template is the preferred file with the results in the following column order :
- Rank
- Number - Competitor number. If the registration was held on CIVLComps it shall be the same for the participant in registration and in the results.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Nat - Nation - (IOC abbreviated codes)
- Gender
- Glider
- Sponsor
- CIVL ID (available from the WPRS ranking database )
- Score
Please note: HTML and PDF files are NOT acceptable.
Please follow the instructions for Results upload on civlcomps Info page
When submitting results, organisers are required to inform CIVL of any incidents that occurred at the event. Organisers are requested to ensure that for any incident involving a reserve parachute deployment, or that required medical intervention or where a rescue service or external assistance was involved, an Incident Report Form is completed. Incidents can be reported by the organiser/meet director, safety director, team leader, witness or by the pilot. More than one person can report on the same incident.
Please keep the payment receipt or screenshot to send it to the Competition Coordinator together with the application. The sanction fee will be paid in CHF only and directly to FAI. The payment shall be done according to the invoice issued in AMS.FAI.org. The amount of the payment will be informed in AMS. You can also check the payment amount in the document called "Sporting Code - S7 K - Schedule of Fees" in CIVL Documents
There are 3 ways to pay:
1. Paypal: The simplest and fastest method of payment is Paypal. To use Paypal please go to your application at https://ams.fai.org/ create the invoice, re-open it and make the payment. Anyone with a credit card can may a payment using Paypal.
2. Bank Transfer: You need to put as the subject of the payment the competition name and AMS invoice number. All bank transfer charges are on the payer.
The procedures must be strictly observed; otherwise, delays or additional bank charges may occur, or the transfer may fail. Please read the information in the following link carefully, it describes what an IBAN number is: https://www.credit-suisse.com/ch/privatkunden/kontokarten/en/konten/zahlung/iban.jsp
Essentially, the Bank clearing code (SWIFT/BIC) and IBAN code must always be included.
The full banking references, which must be used for all payments are always written in the the invoice that you create in your application in AMS.FAI.org. We publish our Bank details here just for your reference. In case of any discrepancy between what you see on this page and in your invoice on AMS.FAI.org please use the AMS Invoice bank details.
Credit Suisse Private Banking
Rue du Lion d'Or 5-7
Case postale 2468
CH - 1002 Lausanne
Beneficiary: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
Address: Av. de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
Bank: Credit Suisse Ltd. (Switzerland)
Bank address: Rue de Lion-d'Or 5-7, CH-1003, Lausanne, Switzerland
IBAN: CH65 0483 5045 7968 3100 0
Please reference the payment as follows:
- Invoice number (as per invoice you create in AMS.fai.org)
- Category 2 sanction fee,
- Name of the event.
- Discipline involved (hang gliding (Class 1, 2, 5 and/or Sports Class), paragliding, paragliding accuracy, aerobatics).
If required by your bank, the FAI Office address is :
Maison du Sport International, Av. de Rhodanie 54, CH-1007 – Lausanne, Switzerland
3. Credit card: You can pay by credit card direct to the FAI. The credit card details can be e-mailed to Finance officer Paola Lopes at: www.fai.org/civl-contact-us (at your own risk – we do not recommend that you do it) - Tel: +41 21 345 1070 - Fax: +41 21 345 1077.
Details required for a credit card payment:
Type of Card (Visa and Mastercard are accepted)
Card Number
CVV2 number (security code)
Expiry Date
Name on card
Sum to be debited
Payment Reference (eg. Cat 2 SF + name & date of event)
Signature (if faxed)
Name of signatory